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Help on class linear_correlation in cctbx.array_family.flex:

cctbx.array_family.flex.linear_correlation = class linear_correlation(Boost.Python.instance)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      linear_correlation
 |      Boost.Python.instance
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(...)
 |      __init__( (object)arg1, (object)x, (object)y [, (float)epsilon=1e-15 [, (bool)subtract_mean=True]]) -> None :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              void __init__(_object*,scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor>,scitbx::af::const_ref<double, scitbx::af::trivial_accessor> [,double=1e-15 [,bool=True]])
 |  __reduce__ = <unnamed Boost.Python function>(...)
 |  coefficient(...)
 |      coefficient( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double coefficient(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  denominator(...)
 |      denominator( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double denominator(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  is_well_defined(...)
 |      is_well_defined( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> bool :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              bool is_well_defined(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  mean_x(...)
 |      mean_x( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double mean_x(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  mean_y(...)
 |      mean_y( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double mean_y(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  n(...)
 |      n( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> int :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              unsigned long n(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  numerator(...)
 |      numerator( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double numerator(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  show_summary(self, f=None, prefix='')
 |  sum_denominator_x(...)
 |      sum_denominator_x( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double sum_denominator_x(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  sum_denominator_y(...)
 |      sum_denominator_y( (linear_correlation)arg1) -> float :
 |          C++ signature :
 |              double sum_denominator_y(scitbx::math::linear_correlation<double> {lvalue})
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from Boost.Python.instance:
 |  __dict__
 |  __weakref__
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Boost.Python.instance:
 |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of Boost.Python.class object>
 |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

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