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Help on class array in cctbx.miller:

cctbx.miller.array = class array(set)
 |  Extension of the set class with addition of data and sigmas flex arrays.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      array
 |      set
 |      cctbx.crystal.symmetry
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __abs__(self)
 |      Return a copy of the array with data replaced by absolute values, i.e.
 |      complex arrays will be converted to amplitudes.
 |  __add__(self, other)
 |  __getitem__(self, slice_object)
 |  __imul__(self, other)
 |  __init__(self, miller_set, data=None, sigmas=None)
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __itruediv__(self, other)
 |  __mul__(self, other)
 |  __truediv__(self, other)
 |      This requires from __future__ import division
 |  adopt_set(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |  amplitude_normalisations(self, asu_contents, wilson_plot=None)
 |      Overriden version of set.amplitude_normalisation which computes
 |      the Wilson parameters from the array data if wilson_plot is None.
 |  amplitude_quasi_normalisations(self, d_star_power=1)
 |      A miller.array whose data N(h) are the normalisations to convert
 |      between locally normalised E's and F's:
 |      E(h) = F(h) / N(h)
 |      self features the F's, which are then binned with the current binner
 |      and N(h) is the average of F's in the bin h belongs to.
 |  amplitudes(self)
 |      For a complex array, return the real component (i.e. abs(self)).
 |  anomalous_differences(self)
 |  anomalous_signal(self, use_binning=False)
 |      Get the anomalous signal according to this formula:
 |      .. math::
 |         \sqrt{\dfrac{<||F(+)|-|F(-)||^2>}{\frac{1}{2} (<|F(+)|>^2 + <|F(-)|>^2)}}
 |      :param use_binning: If 'True' the anomalous signal will be calculated for     each bin of the data set individually
 |      :type use_binning: boolean
 |      :returns: the anomalous signal
 |      :rtype: float or cctbx.miller.binned_data
 |  apply_debye_waller_factors(self, u_iso=None, b_iso=None, u_cart=None, b_cart=None, u_cif=None, u_star=None, apply_to_sigmas=True, exp_arg_limit=50, truncate_exp_arg=False)
 |  apply_scaling(self, target_max=None, factor=None)
 |  apply_shelxl_extinction_correction(self, x, wavelength)
 |  arg(self, deg=False)
 |  as_amplitude_array(self, algorithm='xtal_3_7')
 |      Convert the array to simple amplitudes if not already in that format.
 |      Only valid for complex (i.e. F,PHI), intensity, or amplitude arrays.
 |  as_cif_block(self, array_type)
 |  as_cif_simple(self, array_type, out=None, data_name='global')
 |  as_double(self)
 |  as_intensity_array(self, algorithm='simple')
 |      Convert the array to intensities if not already in that format.  Only valid
 |      for complex (F,PHI), amplitude, or intensity arrays.
 |  as_mtz_dataset(self, column_root_label, column_types=None, label_decorator=None, title=None, crystal_name='crystal', project_name='project', dataset_name='dataset', wavelength=None)
 |  as_non_anomalous_array(self)
 |  as_phases_phs(self, out, scale_amplitudes=True, phases=None, phases_deg=None, figures_of_merit=None)
 |  as_xray_observations(self, scale_indices=None, twin_fractions=None, twin_components=None)
 |  average_bijvoet_mates(self)
 |      Given an anomalous array, merge the anomalous pairs and return the
 |      non-anomalous average.
 |  change_basis(self, cb_op, deg=None)
 |  complete_array(self, d_min_tolerance=1e-06, d_min=None, d_max=None, new_data_value=-1, new_sigmas_value=-1)
 |  concatenate(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |  conjugate(self)
 |  copy(self)
 |  correlation(self, other, use_binning=False, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |  count_and_fraction_in_bins(self, data_value_to_count, count_not_equal=False)
 |  crystal_symmetry_is_compatible_with_symmetry_from_file(self, unit_cell_relative_length_tolerance=0.02, unit_cell_absolute_angle_tolerance=3.0, working_point_group=None)
 |  customized_copy(self, miller_set=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, data=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, sigmas=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, crystal_symmetry=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, indices=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, anomalous_flag=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, unit_cell=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, space_group_info=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, observation_type=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>)
 |  data(self)
 |  deep_copy(self)
 |  direct_summation_at_point(self, site_frac, sigma=None)
 |  disagreeable_reflections(self, f_calc_sq, n_reflections=20)
 |  discard_sigmas(self)
 |  double_step_filtration(self, complete_set=None, vol_cutoff_plus_percent=5.0, vol_cutoff_minus_percent=5.0, resolution_factor=0.25, scale_to=None)
 |  eliminate_sys_absent(self, integral_only=False, log=None, prefix='')
 |  ellipsoidal_resolutions_and_indices_by_sigma(self, sigma_cutoff=3)
 |  ellipsoidal_truncation_by_sigma(self, sigma_cutoff=3)
 |  enforce_positive_amplitudes(self, i_sig_level=-4.0)
 |      Takes in an intensity array (including negatives) and spits out amplitudes.
 |      The basic assumption is that
 |      P(Itrue) \propto exp(-(Itrue-Iobs)**2/(2*s))
 |      where Itrue>=0 (positivity constraint on error free amplitudes).
 |      For amplitudes, this results in
 |      P(Ftrue) \propto 2 Ftrue exp( -(Ftrue**2-Iobs)**2/(2s) )
 |      A Gaussian approximation is fitted to the Mode of this distribution.
 |      An analytical solution exists and is implemented below.
 |      This method does not require any Wilson statistics assumptions.
 |  expand_to_p1(self, phase_deg=None, return_iselection=False)
 |  export_as_cns_hkl(self, file_object, file_name=None, info=[], array_names=None, r_free_flags=None)
 |  export_as_shelx_hklf(self, file_object=None, normalise_if_format_overflow=False)
 |  f_as_f_sq(self, algorithm='simple')
 |      Convert amplitudes (and associated sigmas, if present) to intensities.
 |  f_obs_f_calc_fan_outlier_selection(self, f_calc, offset_low=0.05, offset_high=0.1, also_return_x_and_y=False)
 |      Preconditions (not checked explicitly):
 |      self is amplitude array,
 |      f_calc is complex array or amplitude array.
 |  f_obs_minus_f_calc(self, f_obs_factor, f_calc)
 |  f_sq_as_f(self, algorithm='xtal_3_7', tolerance=1e-06)
 |  fft_map(self, resolution_factor=0.3333333333333333, d_min=None, grid_step=None, crystal_gridding=None, symmetry_flags=None, mandatory_factors=None, max_prime=5, assert_shannon_sampling=True, f_000=None)
 |  generate_bijvoet_mates(self)
 |      Given a non-anomalous array, expand to generate anomalous pairs.
 |  hemisphere_acentrics(self, plus_or_minus)
 |  hemispheres_acentrics(self)
 |  i_over_sig_i(self, use_binning=False, return_fail=None)
 |      <I/sigma_I>
 |  info(self)
 |      Return the associated info object, or None if undefined.
 |  intensities(self)
 |  is_bool_array(self)
 |  is_complex_array(self)
 |  is_hendrickson_lattman_array(self)
 |  is_integer_array(self)
 |  is_real_array(self)
 |  is_string_array(self)
 |  is_xray_amplitude_array(self)
 |  is_xray_intensity_array(self)
 |  is_xray_reconstructed_amplitude_array(self)
 |  local_standard_deviation_map(self, radius, mean_solvent_density=0, resolution_factor=0.3333333333333333, d_min=None, grid_step=None, symmetry_flags=None, mandatory_factors=None, max_prime=5, assert_shannon_sampling=True, f_000=None)
 |  map_correlation(self, other)
 |  map_to_asu(self, deg=None)
 |  matching_set(self, other, data_substitute, sigmas_substitute=None, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |  mean(self, use_binning=False, use_multiplicities=False, squared=False, rms=False)
 |  mean_of_intensity_divided_by_epsilon(self, use_binning=False, return_fail=None)
 |      <I/epsilon>
 |  mean_of_squared_sigma_divided_by_epsilon(self, use_binning=False, return_fail=None)
 |      <sigma^2/epsilon>
 |  mean_phase_error(self, phase_source)
 |  mean_sq(self, use_binning=False, use_multiplicities=False)
 |  mean_weighted_phase_error(self, phase_source)
 |  measurability(self, use_binning=False, cutoff=3.0, return_fail=None)
 |      Fraction of reflections for which
 |      (:math:`\dfrac{|\Delta I|}{\sigma_{dI}}` > cutoff and
 |      :math:`min(\dfrac{I_{+}}{\sigma_{+}},\dfrac{I_{-}}{\sigma_{-}})` > cutoff
 |  merge_equivalents(self, algorithm='gaussian', incompatible_flags_replacement=None, use_internal_variance=True)
 |      Given a non-unique array, merge the symmetry-related reflections (keeping
 |      anomalous flag).
 |      :returns: a merge_equivalents object, from which the merged array may     be extracted by calling the array() method.
 |  min_f_over_sigma(self, return_none_if_zero_sigmas=False)
 |  norm(self)
 |  normalised_amplitudes(self, asu_contents, wilson_plot=None)
 |  observation_type(self)
 |  patterson_map(self, resolution_factor=0.3333333333333333, d_min=None, symmetry_flags=None, mandatory_factors=None, max_prime=5, assert_shannon_sampling=True, f_000=None, sharpening=False, origin_peak_removal=False)
 |  patterson_symmetry(self)
 |  phase_entropy(self, exponentiate=False, return_binned_data=False, return_mean=False)
 |      Get phase entropy as measured in terms of an base-360 entropy
 |      (base-2 for centrics).
 |      An entropy of 0, indicates that the phase uncertainity is as low as possible
 |      An entropy of 1 however, indicates that the uncertainty is maximal:
 |      all phases are equally likely!
 |      :param return_binned_data: if 'True' you receive a binned object rather     then a raw array
 |      :type return_binned_data: boolean
 |      :param exponentiate: whether or not to exponentiate the entropy. This will     return a phase uncertainty in degrees (or the 'alphabet size')
 |      :type exponentiate: boolean
 |  phase_integrals(self, n_steps=None, integrator=None)
 |  phase_transfer(self, phase_source, epsilon=1e-10, deg=False, phase_integrator_n_steps=None)
 |      Combines phases of phase_source with self's data if real (keeping
 |      the sign of self's data) or with self's amplitudes if complex.
 |      Centric reflections are forced to be compatible with the phase restrictions.
 |      phase_source can be a miller.array or a plain flex array.
 |      epsilon is only used when phase_source is a complex array. If both the
 |      real and the imaginary part of phase_source[i] < epsilon the phase is
 |      assumed to be 0.
 |      deg is only used if phase_source is an array of doubles.
 |      deg=True indicates that the phases are given in degrees,
 |      deg=False indicates phases are given in radians.
 |      phase_integrator_n_steps is only used if phase_source is an
 |      array of Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients. The centroid
 |      phases are determined on the fly using the given step size.
 |  phased_translation_function_coeff(self, phase_source, f_calc, fom=None)
 |  phases(self, deg=False)
 |      For a complex array, return the imaginary component (in radians by default).
 |  quasi_normalize_structure_factors(self, d_star_power=1)
 |  quasi_normalized_as_normalized(self)
 |  r1_factor(self, other, scale_factor=None, assume_index_matching=False, use_binning=False)
 |      Get the R1 factor according to this formula
 |      .. math::
 |         R1 = \dfrac{\sum{||F| - k|F'||}}{\sum{|F|}}
 |      where F is self.data() and F' is other.data() and
 |      k is the factor to put F' on the same scale as F
 |  r_free_flags_accumulation(self)
 |  randomize_phases(self)
 |  remove_cone(self, fraction_percent, vertex=(0, 0, 0), axis_point_1=(0, 0, 0), axis_point_2=(0, 0, 1), negate=False)
 |  remove_patterson_origin_peak(self)
 |  rms(self, use_binning=False, use_multiplicities=False)
 |  rms_filter(self, cutoff_factor, use_binning=False, use_multiplicities=False, negate=False)
 |  scale_factor(self, f_calc, weights=None, cutoff_factor=None, use_binning=False)
 |      The analytical expression for the least squares scale factor.
 |      K = sum(w * yo * yc) / sum(w * yc^2)
 |      If the optional cutoff_factor argument is provided, only the reflections
 |      whose magnitudes are greater than cutoff_factor * max(yo) will be included
 |      in the calculation.
 |  second_moment(self, use_binning=False)
 |      <data^2>/(<data>)^2
 |  second_moment_of_intensities(self, use_binning=False)
 |      <I^2>/(<I>)^2 (2.0 for untwinned, 1.5 for twinned data)
 |  select(self, selection, negate=False, anomalous_flag=None)
 |  select_indices(self, indices, map_indices_to_asu=False, negate=False)
 |  select_sys_absent(self, integral_only=False)
 |  set(self, crystal_symmetry=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, indices=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, anomalous_flag=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, unit_cell=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>, space_group_info=<class libtbx.utils.Keep>)
 |  set_info(self, info)
 |  set_observation_type(self, observation_type)
 |  set_observation_type_xray_amplitude(self)
 |  set_observation_type_xray_intensity(self)
 |  set_sigmas(self, sigmas)
 |  shelxl_extinction_correction(self, x, wavelength)
 |      Extinction parameter x, where Fc is multiplied by:
 |        k[1 + 0.001 x Fc^2 wavelength^3 / sin(2theta)]^(-1/4)
 |      See SHELX-97 manual, page 7-7 for more information.
 |      Note: The scale factor, k, is not applied nor calculated by
 |            this function. The scale factor should be calculated
 |            and applied ***AFTER*** the application of the extinction
 |            corrections.
 |  show_array(self, f=None, prefix='', deg=None)
 |      Listing of Miller indices and data
 |  show_disagreeable_reflections(self, f_calc_sq, n_reflections=20, out=None)
 |  show_mean_data_over_sigma_along_a_b_c_star(self)
 |  show_r_free_flags_info(self, n_bins=10, binner_range='used', out=None, prefix='')
 |  show_summary(self, f=None, prefix='')
 |  sigma_filter(self, cutoff_factor, negate=False)
 |      Return a copy of the array filtered to remove reflections whose value is
 |      less than cutoff_factor*sigma (or the reverse, if negate=True).
 |  sigmas(self)
 |  sigmas_are_sensible(self, critical_ratio=0.75, epsilon=1e-06)
 |  size(self)
 |  sort_permutation(self, by_value='resolution', reverse=False)
 |  statistical_mean(self, use_binning=0)
 |  sum(self, use_binning=False, use_multiplicities=False, squared=False)
 |  sum_sq(self, use_binning=False, use_multiplicities=False)
 |  symmetry_agreement_factor(self, op, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |      The factor phi_{sym} quantifying whether complex structure factors
 |      are invariant under the given symmetry operator, as used in Superflip.
 |      Ref: J. Appl. Cryst. (2008). 41, 975-984
 |  wilson_plot(self, use_binning=False)
 |      <data^2>
 |  wilson_ratio(self, use_binning=False)
 |      (<F>)^2/<F^2> (0.785 for untwinned, 0.885 for twinned data)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods defined here:
 |  from_cif(cls, file_object=None, file_path=None, data_block_name=None) from __builtin__.type
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from set:
 |  all_selection(self)
 |  anomalous_flag(self)
 |  array(self, data=None, sigmas=None)
 |      Create an array object, given data and/or sigma arrays of identical
 |      dimensions to the indices array.
 |      :param data: a flex array (any format) or None
 |      :param sigmas: a flex array (any format, but almost always double) or None
 |  as_non_anomalous_set(self)
 |  auto_anomalous(self, min_n_bijvoet_pairs=None, min_fraction_bijvoet_pairs=None)
 |  binner(self)
 |  centric_flags(self)
 |      Generate a boolean Miller array flagging centric reflections.
 |  clear_binner(self)
 |  combine(self, other, scale=True, scale_for_lones=1)
 |  common_set(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |      Match the indices in the current set and another set, and return a set
 |      (or array) containing only those reflections present in both.  Assumes that
 |      both sets are already in the asymmetric unit (ASU).
 |  common_sets(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True, assert_no_singles=False)
 |      Like common_set(other), but returns a tuple containing matching copies of
 |      both sets (or arrays).
 |  complete_set(self, d_min_tolerance=1e-06, d_min=None, d_max=None, max_index=None)
 |      Generate the complete set of Miller indices expected for the current
 |      symmetry, excepting systematic absences.
 |      :param d_min_tolerance: tolerance factor for d_min (avoid precision errors)
 |      :param d_min: High-resolution limit (default = d_min of current set)
 |      :param d_max: Low-resolution limit (default = d_max of current set)
 |  complete_with(self, other, scale=False, replace_phases=False)
 |  complete_with_bin_average(self, reflections_per_bin=100)
 |  completeness(self, use_binning=False, d_min_tolerance=1e-06, return_fail=None, d_max=None)
 |  crystal_gridding(self, resolution_factor=0.3333333333333333, d_min=None, grid_step=None, symmetry_flags=None, mandatory_factors=None, max_prime=5, assert_shannon_sampling=True)
 |  crystal_symmetry(self)
 |      Get crystal symmetry of the miller set
 |      :returns: a new crystal.symmetry object
 |      :rtype: cctbx.crystal.symmetry
 |  d_max_min(self)
 |      Low- and high-resolution limits.
 |  d_min(self)
 |      High-resolution limit.
 |  d_min_along_a_b_c_star(self)
 |  d_spacings(self)
 |      Generate a double Miller array containing the resolution d of each
 |      index.
 |  d_star_cubed(self)
 |  d_star_sq(self)
 |  debye_waller_factors(self, u_iso=None, b_iso=None, u_cart=None, b_cart=None, u_cif=None, u_star=None, exp_arg_limit=50, truncate_exp_arg=False)
 |  delete_index(self, hkl)
 |      Remove all reflections with the specified Miller index.
 |  delete_indices(self, other)
 |      Delete multiple reflections, as specified by the Miller indices of
 |      another set.
 |  epsilons(self)
 |  expand_to_p1_iselection(self, build_iselection=True)
 |  f_obs_minus_xray_structure_f_calc(self, f_obs_factor, xray_structure, structure_factor_algorithm=None, cos_sin_table=False, quality_factor=None, u_base=None, b_base=None, wing_cutoff=None, exp_table_one_over_step_size=None)
 |  generate_r_free_flags(self, fraction=0.1, max_free=2000, lattice_symmetry_max_delta=5.0, use_lattice_symmetry=False, use_dataman_shells=False, n_shells=20, format='cns')
 |      Create an array of R-free flags for the current set, keeping anomalous
 |      pairs together.  Requires that the set already be unique under symmetry,
 |      and generally assumes that the set is in the ASU.
 |      :param fraction: fraction of reflections to flag for the test set
 |      :param max_free: limit on size of test set, overrides fraction
 |      :param lattice_symmetry_max_delta: limit on lattice symmetry calculation
 |      :param use_lattice_symmetry: given the current symmetry, determine the     highest possible lattice symmetry and generate flags for that symmetry,     then expand to the current (lower) symmetry if necessary.  This is almost     always a good idea.
 |      :param use_dataman_shells: generate flags in thin resolution shells to     avoid bias due to non-crystallographic symmetry.
 |      :param n_shells: number of resolution shells if use_dataman_shells=True
 |      :param format: convention of the resulting flags.  'cns' will return a     boolean array (True = free), 'ccp4' will return an integer array from     0 to X (0 = free, X dependent on fraction), 'shelx' will return an     integer array with values 1 (work) or -1 (free).
 |      :returns: a boolean or integer Miller array, depending on format.
 |  generate_r_free_flags_basic(self, fraction=0.1, max_free=2000, use_dataman_shells=False, n_shells=20, format='cns')
 |  generate_r_free_flags_on_lattice_symmetry(self, fraction=0.1, max_free=2000, max_delta=5.0, return_integer_array=False, n_partitions=None, use_dataman_shells=False, n_shells=20, format='cns')
 |  index_span(self)
 |  indices(self)
 |  is_in_asu(self)
 |  is_unique_set_under_symmetry(self)
 |  log_binning(self, n_reflections_in_lowest_resolution_bin=100, eps=0.0001)
 |  lone_set(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |      Match the indices in the current set and another set, and return a set
 |      (or array) containing reflections which are present only in the current
 |      set.  Assumes that both sets are already in the asymmetric unit.
 |  lone_sets(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |      Like lone_set(other), but returns a tuple containing the reflections
 |      unique to each set (or array).
 |  match_bijvoet_mates(self, assert_is_unique_set_under_symmetry=True)
 |  match_indices(self, other, assert_is_similar_symmetry=True)
 |  miller_indices_as_pdb_file(self, file_name=None, expand_to_p1=False)
 |      Write out Miller indices as pseudo-waters for visualization.  Note that
 |      this treats the indices as literal coordinates (times a scale factor),
 |      and the distances between points will not correspond to the distances
 |      in reciprocal space.
 |      See cctbx/miller/display.py and crys3d/hklview for an alternative (but
 |      less lightweight) approach.
 |  min_max_d_star_sq(self)
 |  min_max_indices(self)
 |  minimum_wavelength_based_on_d_min(self, tolerance=0.01)
 |  multiplicities(self)
 |  multiscale(self, other, reflections_per_bin=None)
 |  n_bijvoet_pairs(self)
 |  random_phases_compatible_with_phase_restrictions(self, deg=False)
 |  reflection_intensity_symmetry(self)
 |  remove_systematic_absences(self, negate=False)
 |  resolution_filter(self, d_max=0, d_min=0, negate=0)
 |  resolution_filter_selection(self, d_max=None, d_min=None)
 |  resolution_range(self)
 |  scale(self, other)
 |  select_acentric(self)
 |  select_centric(self)
 |  setup_binner(self, d_max=0, d_min=0, auto_binning=False, reflections_per_bin=0, n_bins=0)
 |  setup_binner_counting_sorted(self, d_max=0, d_min=0, reflections_per_bin=None, d_tolerance=1e-10)
 |  setup_binner_d_star_sq_step(self, auto_binning=True, d_max=None, d_min=None, d_star_sq_step=None)
 |  show_completeness(self, reflections_per_bin=500, out=None)
 |  show_comprehensive_summary(self, f=None, prefix='')
 |      Comprehensive Miller set or array summary
 |  sin_theta_over_lambda_sq(self)
 |  slice(self, axis=None, axis_index=None, slice_index=None, slice_start=None, slice_end=None)
 |  sort(self, by_value='resolution', reverse=False)
 |      Reorder reflections by resolution or Miller index.
 |      :param by_value: 'resolution' or 'packed_indices'
 |  structure_factors_from_map(self, map, in_place_fft=False, use_scale=False, anomalous_flag=None, use_sg=False)
 |  structure_factors_from_scatterers(self, xray_structure, algorithm=None, cos_sin_table=False, grid_resolution_factor=0.3333333333333333, quality_factor=None, u_base=None, b_base=None, wing_cutoff=None, exp_table_one_over_step_size=None)
 |  sys_absent_flags(self, integral_only=False)
 |      Generate a boolean Miller array flagging those reflections which are
 |      systematically absent under the current symmetry.
 |  two_theta(self, wavelength, deg=False)
 |      Generate a double Miller array containing the scattering angle of each
 |      index.
 |  unique_under_symmetry(self)
 |  unique_under_symmetry_selection(self)
 |  use_binner_of(self, other)
 |  use_binning(self, binning)
 |  use_binning_of(self, other)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from cctbx.crystal.symmetry:
 |  as_py_code(self, indent='')
 |  as_reference_setting(self)
 |  asu_mappings(self, buffer_thickness, asu_is_inside_epsilon=None)
 |  average_b_cart(self, b_cart)
 |  average_u_cart(self, u_cart)
 |  best_cell(self, angular_tolerance=None)
 |  build_miller_set(self, anomalous_flag, d_min, d_max=None)
 |  cell_equivalent_p1(self)
 |  change_of_basis_op_to_best_cell(self, angular_tolerance=None, best_monoclinic_beta=True)
 |  change_of_basis_op_to_inverse_hand(self)
 |  change_of_basis_op_to_minimum_cell(self)
 |  change_of_basis_op_to_niggli_cell(self, relative_epsilon=None, iteration_limit=None)
 |  change_of_basis_op_to_primitive_setting(self)
 |  change_of_basis_op_to_reference_setting(self)
 |  direct_space_asu(self)
 |  gridding(self, d_min=None, resolution_factor=None, step=None, symmetry_flags=None, mandatory_factors=None, max_prime=5, assert_shannon_sampling=True)
 |  inverse_hand(self)
 |  is_compatible_unit_cell(self)
 |  is_patterson_symmetry(self)
 |  is_similar_symmetry(self, other, relative_length_tolerance=0.01, absolute_angle_tolerance=1.0)
 |  join_symmetry(self, other_symmetry, force=False)
 |  miller_set(self, indices, anomalous_flag)
 |  minimum_cell(self)
 |  niggli_cell(self, relative_epsilon=None, iteration_limit=None)
 |  primitive_setting(self)
 |  space_group(self)
 |  space_group_info(self)
 |  special_position_settings(self, min_distance_sym_equiv=0.5, u_star_tolerance=0, assert_min_distance_sym_equiv=True)
 |  subtract_continuous_allowed_origin_shifts(self, translation_cart)
 |  unit_cell(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from cctbx.crystal.symmetry:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

[Index of services] [New input]