[Tutorial time table]
Modeling crystallographic data
David Watkin
Over & under parametrisation, data completeness, data extent etc,
Anscombe's Quartet
Optional: CRYSTALS (internals and/or externals)
[Tutorial time table]
Working with the Computational Crystallography Toolbox (cctbx)
Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve
cctbx is a large open source library of fundamental crystallographic
tools, in particular for the handling of unit cells and space groups,
but also many file formats. Two prepared tutorials are available:
refinement of unit cell parameters given Miller indices and associated
2-theta values; simple direct methods. However, students are encouraged
to suggest tasks that we will try to solve interactively. Basic
knowledge of the Python language is very important. (C++ knowledge is
helpful but not essential.)
[Tutorial time table]
Olex2, user-level and internals
Horst Puschmann
[Tutorial time table]
Direct methods applied to small molecules
Gianluca Cascarano
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Application of the Patterson-function direct methods program
"XLENS_PD6" to powder diffraction data
Jordi Rius
Application of the program to powder data of some inorganic
and hybrid compounds (test examples).
Application of the Patterson-function direct methods program
"XLENS_PD6" to powder diffraction data (II)
Discussion on the application of direct methods to powder diffraction
data sent by students. Each student can provide a powder diffraction
pattern (XY format) together with the unit cell parameters and the
estimated chemical composition. The patterns must extend to an upper
2-theta value equivalent to a d-spacing of 1.15-1.10 Angstroms. These
data sets will be used for a second tutorial on the application of
direct methods to powder diffraction.
[Tutorial time table]
Data processing for serial crystallography
Thomas White
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Real-space structure determination
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Real-space structure determination: simulated annealing, differential
evolution, small-molecule manipulation
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Understanding density modification
Tom Terwilliger
The tutorial will be a presentation and discussion about the principles of
density modification in macromolecular crystallography with examples of
the kinds of information that can be used.
[Tutorial time table]
Understanding PSEUDO : How to detect pseudosymmetries
Emre Tasci
PSEUDO of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server, is a program aimed
at finding pseudosymmetries for a given structure by exploring
the (minimal) supergroups of the structure's space group. The
process includes the usage of a database to retrieve supergroups
and corresponding transformation matrixes; Wyckoff splitting
compatibility check; the application of the coset representatives of
the supergroup with respect to the subgroup and the consideration
of the difference between the idealized and the actual structures'
atomic positions.
[Tutorial time table]
R/RPy for crystallographic applications
Rita Giordano
Description: Statistical model applied to crystallography using R/RPy.
Basic and advance method to analyse crystallographic data.
RPy is an integration of R with the python language.
[Tutorial time table]
Bayesian methods in small-molecule crystallography
Anthony Phillips
[Tutorial time table]
Recognizing and processing data from twinned crystals
Andrea Thorn
In this tutorial, different types of twinning and their recognition
will be explained for both small and macro-molecules, as well as
the most common twinning tests. Algorithms for data processing will
be covered with an emphasis on non-merohedral twins.
[Tutorial time table]
Querying and depositing data to the Crystallography Open
Database (COD) -- new Web based and command line interfaces
Saulius Grazulis
- use of Web interface to perform simple queries on COD
- use of Web interface to deposit new structures into COD
- use of various protocols (http GET, svn, rsync, mysql) and command
line tools to query and access COD
- using command line (curl) to POST new data to COD
[Tutorial time table]
MolecoolQt and InvariomTool - aspherical atom modeling of organic
molecules from normal resolution data
Birger Dittrich and Christian Bertram Hübschle
Often the highest peak from a Fo-Fc map from good diffraction data
appear in between covalently bonded atoms. It is such bonding and
lone-pair valence electron density that we try to include in the
scattering factor, i.e. our model electron density. For that purpose we
have generated a database of scattering factors that we call invarioms
(from invariant atoms, atoms that are invariant in a transfer from one
molecule to another). The invariom database covers quite a fraction of
organic chemistry, including proteins, DNA and many ligands. Using the
database is made (more) easy with InvariomTool and MolecoolQt. These
programs currently require the commercial program package XD, to which
the two tools are interfaced. Usage of the two programs is explained on
an example structure.
[Tutorial time table]