fable - Automatic Fortran to C++ conversion


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The fable.cout --example command is known to work with gcc 3.2 or higher, Visual C++ 7.1 or higher, and with recent development versions of clang++.

Converting your sources

Pure-Fortran programs that don't link against external libraries can be converted simply with e.g.:

fable.cout main.f input.f calcs.f output.f --namespace=calcs > calcs.cpp

fable.cout supports --run to convert and immediately compile, link, and run the converted C++ code. If there is no PROGRAM, --compile can be used to quickly test compilation.

Some advanced conversion features, such as suppressing conversion of certain procedures (SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, BLOCKDATA, PROGRAM) or conversion to multiple files are available through a Python interface.

Major features

Call graph, topological sort, const analysis

fable builds a call graph of all the input sources, performs a topological sort (with handling of dependency cycles) and const analysis tracing even through function pointers. The --top-procedure option of fable.cout can be used to extract only the specified SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION and all its dependencies; unused procedures are not converted. This feature was used to produce the lapack_fem/selected.hpp example.

No global variables in C++

Fortran programs have two types of global variables, COMMON and SAVE variables. In addition, the Fortran I/O units are essentially global variables. fable converts all global variables to C++ struct members so that the converted C++ code does not have any global variables. In this way an entire Fortran program is turned into a regular C++ object that is fully encapsulated. Multiple such objects can co-exist in the same process without interference.

In the converted C++ code, the object holding the originally global variables is called cmn, short for "common". The state of the I/O system is stored under cmn.io. All C++ functions using originally global variables or the I/O system have cmn inserted as the first argument.

Example: [Fortran] [C++]

Dynamic parameters

Due to the lack of dynamic memory allocation in Fortran 77, many existing Fortran programs use PARAMETER to statically define array sizes. fable supports turning originally static parameters into "dynamic parameters" as part of the automatic conversion process, for example:

fable.cout dp_example.f --dynamic_parameter="int array_size=100" > dp_example.cpp

With this, all occurrences of PARAMETER(array_size=...) in the Fortran program are converted to use a dynamic size instead. The default array_size in the example is set to 100 (the original size in the Fortran code is ignored). The array_size can be set from the command line with the --fem-dynamic-parameters option, e.g.:

g++ -o dp_example -I/actual/path/fable dp_example.cpp
dp_example --fem-dynamic-parameters=200

(Note that this option is removed from the list of command-line arguments as seen by the iargc() and getarg() intrinsic functions.)

Example: [Fortran] [C++]

Calls into external libraries

For the automatic const analysis to work correctly, fable needs to "see" the implementations of all functions called directly or indirectly. If some Fortran sources are not available or if the Fortran program calls functions written in other languages, small "stubs" can be supplied from which fable can derive the correct const information. For example:

subroutine qread(iunit, buffer, nitems, result)
implicit none
integer iunit, nitems, result
real buffer(*)
buffer(1) = 0
result = 0

From this stub fable can deduce that iunit and ntimes are const, while buffer and result are non-const. Currently, the converted C++ code needs to be modified manually to replace the body of the stub function with a call of the external function. (Possible but not implemented: automatic replacement of stub bodies with proper calls.)


Large Fortran programs tend to make use of EQUIVALENCE and "common variants". A simple example of a common variant is:

program main
common /chunk/ a(200)

subroutine sub1
common /chunk/ x(100), y(100)

fable is designed to handle all legal combinations of common variants and EQUIVALENCE, but the generated C++ code is cluttered quite badly with mbr<> and bind<> statements (e.g. [Fortran] [C++]). If the generated C++ code is meant to be a basis for future development, it is a good idea to consider modifying the Fortran code before finalizing the conversion. Sometimes common variants are accidental and can easily be avoided. To help in detecting such cases, fable.cout writes a file fable_cout_common_report (example) which shows the differences between the variants.

The use of Fortran EQUIVALENCE also leads to clutter in the generated C++ code. For equivalences involving common variables, fable_cout_common_report shows a list of the problem cases, sorted by volume of the corresponding generated code. If it is known that the equivalences do not affect the size of a common block, the fable.cout --common-equivalence-simple option can be used to direct fable to generate much less cluttered C++ code for handling the equivalences. (Possible but not implemented: automatic detection of simple equivalences.)

fable/fem components and completeness

The main fable components are fable.read and fable.cout. The reader is supported by fable.tokenization. The tokenization fully supports the Fortran 77 syntax and some Fortran 90 features (as used by LAPACK). The reader supports a nearly complete subset of Fortran 77 and a very small subset of Fortran 90 features. The C++ code generation supports a large subset of Fortran 77. It may insert "UNHANDLED" messages into the output or even fail completely while processing unusual constructs.

Development of the fem Fortran emulation library was guided by the requirements of the programs we have converted for our needs. The emulation of the I/O system may raise "Not implemented" exceptions during execution. A major component missing completely is the runtime support for direct-access files. Several unusual FORMAT edits are not supported. Some floating-point edits are emulated only approximately.

A major reason for releasing fable and fem under an open source license is to enable users to continually complete and improve the implementations, and possibly reuse fable as a framework for other target languages. fable comes with a large set of unit tests so that any changes made can be quickly verified.

[Browse fable sources]

Fortran vs. C++ data types

fable assumes that the Fortran INTEGER type is a C++ int, REAL is a C++ float, and DOUBLE PRECISION is a C++ double. On most current computing platforms, the sizes of the Fortran types should be identical to the sizes of the corresponding C++ types. The only exception is the mapping of the Fortran LOGICAL type to the C++ bool type. In this case we found it more important to map the concept rather than the implementation detail that a LOGICAL usually occupies four bytes while the size of a C++ bool is usually one byte. This small asymmetry has to be kept in mind when calling external libraries from FABLE-generated C++. The Fortran complex types are mapped to the C++ std::complex template class in the Standard Template Library (STL). Fortran CHARACTER strings are mapped to the fem::str template class in the fem library.

A complete list of Fortran data types supported by fable is in the example file doc_data_type_star.f. Running fable.cout with this file will show all mappings to C++ types. Relevant files in the fem library are data_type_star.hpp, int_types.hpp, and zero.hpp.

fable array and array-reference types

The fem library implements a family of array and array-reference types. The main type is the arr class template:

arr<int> one_dimensional(dimension(10));
arr<int, 2> two_dimensional(dimension(10, 20));

The first template parameter is the data type, the second parameter specifies the number of dimensions; the default number of dimensions is 1 and can be omitted. The dimension statements shown imply one-based indexing. An example of a two-dimensional array with a different offset is:

arr<int, 2> two_dimensional(dim1(-2,3).dim2(-4,5));

fable supports up to six dimensions. The arr class template uses dynamic memory allocation. An alternative is used for small arrays with sizes <= 256, for example:

arr_1d<int, 3> vector;
arr_2d<int, 3, 3> matrix;

Here the size of each dimension is fixed at compile time. Small arrays are allocated on the stack to avoid dynamic memory allocation overhead.

Arrays are passed to functions via array-reference types, for example:

void sub1(arr_ref<int, 2> matrix) { ... }
void sub2(arr_cref<int, 2> matrix) { ... }

arr_ref indicates that the array is modified in the function; arr_cref guarantees that the array is not modified in the function. The extra c in the second type name is short for const. To emulate the Fortran behavior, scalars and arrays of non-matching dimensionality or sizes can be passed to an array reference in a function call. The sizes of the dimensions are set inside the called functions, for example:

matrix(dimension(10, 20));

The syntax for setting the sizes is identical to that used for arr types as shown above.

Strings are handled via a dedicated family of types, for example:

fem::str<4> key = "name";

The template parameter specifies the number of characters. Strings are passed in this way:

void sub1(str_ref line) { ... }
void sub2(str_cref line) { ... }

Passing of string arrays also requires special types:

void sub1(str_arr_ref<1> text) { ... }
void sub2(str_arr_cref<2> text) { ... }

These types had to be introduced to emulate the implicit passing of string lengths in Fortran. The template parameter specifies the number of dimensions.

Miscellaneous practical remarks