Paul D. Adams |
Associate Laboratory Director for Biosciences, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Adjunct Professor, Dept. Bioengineering, U.C. Berkeley
Vice President for Technology, the Joint BioEnergy Institute
Laboratory Research Manager, ENIGMA Science Focus Area
Office: Building 91, Room 410, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Email: or
Phone: 510-486-4225
Fax: 510-486-5909
Paul Adams @ Google Scholar
Paul Adams @ Publons
Paul Adams @ PubMed
Computational Methods Development
Much of my research is focused on the development of new algorithms and methods for problems
in structural biology. In collaboration with researchers from Los
Alamos National Lab, Duke University and Cambridge University we have
developed a new software system with NIH Program Project funding and
industrial funding, called PHENIX, for the automated
solution of macromolecular structures using crystallographic
methods. With other NIH funding we have expanded the scope of PHENIX
to include the analysis of neutron
diffraction data.
Accelerator Resources for Structural Biology
I help coordinate the biosciences activities at the Advanced Light
Source. An area of particular interest to me is the structural study
of large
macromolecular machines combining multiple experimental and
computational methods.
Bioenergy Research
The need to develop carbon-neutral and renewable sources of energy has
become a priority. The conversion of cellulosic (plant) material to
advanced biofuels has the potential to provide a significant fraction
of transportation fuel in the future. As part of the Joint Bioenergy Institute I am
developing new technologies to improve the conversion of biomass to
fuels. We have also developed new methods for the chemical imaging of
plant cell wall material.