Starting phenix.real_space_refine on Thu Jul 18 21:52:23 2024 by dcliebschner =============================================================================== Processing files: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found model, /net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/7efc_31083/07_2024/7efc_31083.cif Found real_map, /net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/7efc_31083/07_2024/ Processing PHIL parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding command-line PHIL: ------------------------- refinement.macro_cycles=10 scattering_table=electron resolution=1.7 write_initial_geo_file=False Final processed PHIL parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data_manager { real_map_files = "/net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/7efc_31083/07_2024/" default_real_map = "/net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/7efc_31083/07_2024/" model { file = "/net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/7efc_31083/07_2024/7efc_31083.cif" } default_model = "/net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/7efc_31083/07_2024/7efc_31083.cif" } resolution = 1.7 write_initial_geo_file = False refinement { macro_cycles = 10 } qi { qm_restraints { package { program = *test } } } Starting job =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citation: ********* Afonine PV, Poon BK, Read RJ, Sobolev OV, Terwilliger TC, Urzhumtsev A, Adams PD. (2018) Real-space refinement in PHENIX for cryo-EM and crystallography. Acta Cryst. D74:531-544. Validating inputs Origin is already at (0, 0, 0), no shifts will be applied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing inputs ***************** Set random seed Set to: 0 Set model cs if undefined Decide on map wrapping Map wrapping is set to: False Normalize map: mean=0, sd=1 Input map: mean= 0.001 sd= 0.008 Set stop_for_unknowns flag Set to: True Assert model is a single copy model Assert all atoms have isotropic ADPs Construct map_model_manager Extract box with map and model Check model and map are aligned Set scattering table Set to: electron Number of scattering types: 4 Type Number sf(0) Gaussians S 4 5.16 5 C 2392 2.51 5 N 668 2.21 5 O 940 1.98 5 sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0. Process input model Symmetric amino acids flipped Residue "A TYR 22": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "A ARG 53": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "A TYR 54": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "A TYR 83": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "A ARG 84": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "A GLU 116": "OE1" <-> "OE2" Residue "B TYR 22": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "B ARG 53": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "B TYR 54": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "B TYR 83": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "B ARG 84": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "B GLU 116": "OE1" <-> "OE2" Residue "C TYR 22": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "C ARG 53": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "C TYR 54": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "C TYR 83": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "C ARG 84": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "C GLU 116": "OE1" <-> "OE2" Residue "D TYR 22": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "D ARG 53": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "D TYR 54": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "D TYR 83": "CD1" <-> "CD2" "CE1" <-> "CE2" Residue "D ARG 84": "NH1" <-> "NH2" Residue "D GLU 116": "OE1" <-> "OE2" Time to flip residues: 0.01s Monomer Library directory: "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/chem_data/mon_lib" Total number of atoms: 4004 Number of models: 1 Model: "" Number of chains: 8 Chain: "A" Number of atoms: 946 Number of conformers: 2 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} Conformer: "B" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} bond proxies already assigned to first conformer: 867 Chain: "A" Number of atoms: 55 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 40, 55 Unusual residues: {'BTN': 1} Classifications: {'undetermined': 1, 'water': 39} Link IDs: {None: 39} Chain: "B" Number of atoms: 946 Number of conformers: 2 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} Conformer: "B" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} bond proxies already assigned to first conformer: 867 Chain: "B" Number of atoms: 55 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 40, 55 Unusual residues: {'BTN': 1} Classifications: {'undetermined': 1, 'water': 39} Link IDs: {None: 39} Chain: "C" Number of atoms: 946 Number of conformers: 2 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} Conformer: "B" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} bond proxies already assigned to first conformer: 867 Chain: "C" Number of atoms: 55 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 40, 55 Unusual residues: {'BTN': 1} Classifications: {'undetermined': 1, 'water': 39} Link IDs: {None: 39} Chain: "D" Number of atoms: 946 Number of conformers: 2 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} Conformer: "B" Number of residues, atoms: 120, 896 Classifications: {'peptide': 120} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 1, 'TRANS': 118} bond proxies already assigned to first conformer: 867 Chain: "D" Number of atoms: 55 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "A" Number of residues, atoms: 40, 55 Unusual residues: {'BTN': 1} Classifications: {'undetermined': 1, 'water': 39} Link IDs: {None: 39} Residues with excluded nonbonded symmetry interactions: 56 residue: pdb=" N ASER A 45 " occ=0.50 ... (10 atoms not shown) pdb=" OG BSER A 45 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N AALA A 46 " occ=0.50 ... (8 atoms not shown) pdb=" CB BALA A 46 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N AVAL A 47 " occ=0.50 ... (12 atoms not shown) pdb=" CG2BVAL A 47 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N AGLY A 48 " occ=0.50 ... (6 atoms not shown) pdb=" O BGLY A 48 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N AASN A 49 " occ=0.50 ... (14 atoms not shown) pdb=" ND2BASN A 49 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N AALA A 50 " occ=0.50 ... (8 atoms not shown) pdb=" CB BALA A 50 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N AGLU A 51 " occ=0.50 ... (16 atoms not shown) pdb=" OE2BGLU A 51 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" N ASER A 52 " occ=0.50 ... (10 atoms not shown) pdb=" OG BSER A 52 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" C10ABTN A5100 " occ=0.50 ... (14 atoms not shown) pdb=" S1 ABTN A5100 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" O AHOH A5221 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" O HOH A5223 " occ=0.50 residue: pdb=" O AHOH A5231 " occ=0.50 ... (remaining 44 not shown) Time building chain proxies: 4.40, per 1000 atoms: 1.10 Number of scatterers: 4004 At special positions: 0 Unit cell: (68.8516, 64.4096, 58.4869, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 1 (No. 1) Number of sites at special positions: 0 Number of scattering types: 4 Type Number sf(0) S 4 16.00 O 940 8.00 N 668 7.00 C 2392 6.00 sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0. Number of disulfides: simple=0, symmetry=0 Automatic linking Parameters for automatic linking Linking & cutoffs Metal : Auto - 3.50 Amino acid : False - 1.90 Carbohydrate : True - 1.99 Ligands : True - 1.99 Small molecules : False - 1.98 Amino acid - RNA/DNA : False Number of custom bonds: simple=0, symmetry=0 Time building additional restraints: 1.71 Conformation dependent library (CDL) restraints added in 1.4 seconds 1024 Ramachandran restraints generated. 512 Oldfield, 0 Emsley, 512 emsley8k and 0 Phi/Psi/2. Adding C-beta torsion restraints... Number of C-beta restraints generated: 888 Finding SS restraints... Secondary structure from input PDB file: 4 helices and 4 sheets defined 3.3% alpha, 53.3% beta 0 base pairs and 0 stacking pairs defined. Time for finding SS restraints: 0.50 Creating SS restraints... Processing helix chain 'A' and resid 118 through 121 Processing helix chain 'B' and resid 118 through 121 Processing helix chain 'C' and resid 118 through 121 Processing helix chain 'D' and resid 118 through 121 Processing sheet with id=1, first strand: chain 'A' and resid 19 through 23 removed outlier: 8.184A pdb=" N ARG A 53 " --> pdb=" O LYS A 80 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.022A pdb=" N LYS A 80 " --> pdb=" O ARG A 53 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 5.339A pdb=" N VAL A 55 " --> pdb=" O ALA A 78 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 4.406A pdb=" N ALA A 78 " --> pdb=" O VAL A 55 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.621A pdb=" N THR A 71 " --> pdb=" O GLY A 94 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.925A pdb=" N GLY A 94 " --> pdb=" O THR A 71 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.156A pdb=" N LEU A 73 " --> pdb=" O TRP A 92 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.164A pdb=" N TRP A 92 " --> pdb=" O LEU A 73 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.934A pdb=" N TRP A 75 " --> pdb=" O THR A 90 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.918A pdb=" N THR A 90 " --> pdb=" O TRP A 75 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.376A pdb=" N VAL A 77 " --> pdb=" O SER A 88 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.348A pdb=" N SER A 88 " --> pdb=" O VAL A 77 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.103A pdb=" N TRP A 79 " --> pdb=" O ALA A 86 " (cutoff:3.500A) Processing sheet with id=2, first strand: chain 'B' and resid 19 through 23 removed outlier: 8.184A pdb=" N ARG B 53 " --> pdb=" O LYS B 80 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.022A pdb=" N LYS B 80 " --> pdb=" O ARG B 53 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 5.339A pdb=" N VAL B 55 " --> pdb=" O ALA B 78 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 4.406A pdb=" N ALA B 78 " --> pdb=" O VAL B 55 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.621A pdb=" N THR B 71 " --> pdb=" O GLY B 94 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.925A pdb=" N GLY B 94 " --> pdb=" O THR B 71 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.156A pdb=" N LEU B 73 " --> pdb=" O TRP B 92 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.164A pdb=" N TRP B 92 " --> pdb=" O LEU B 73 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.934A pdb=" N TRP B 75 " --> pdb=" O THR B 90 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.918A pdb=" N THR B 90 " --> pdb=" O TRP B 75 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.376A pdb=" N VAL B 77 " --> pdb=" O SER B 88 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.348A pdb=" N SER B 88 " --> pdb=" O VAL B 77 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.103A pdb=" N TRP B 79 " --> pdb=" O ALA B 86 " (cutoff:3.500A) Processing sheet with id=3, first strand: chain 'C' and resid 19 through 23 removed outlier: 8.184A pdb=" N ARG C 53 " --> pdb=" O LYS C 80 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.022A pdb=" N LYS C 80 " --> pdb=" O ARG C 53 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 5.339A pdb=" N VAL C 55 " --> pdb=" O ALA C 78 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 4.406A pdb=" N ALA C 78 " --> pdb=" O VAL C 55 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.621A pdb=" N THR C 71 " --> pdb=" O GLY C 94 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.925A pdb=" N GLY C 94 " --> pdb=" O THR C 71 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.156A pdb=" N LEU C 73 " --> pdb=" O TRP C 92 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.164A pdb=" N TRP C 92 " --> pdb=" O LEU C 73 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.934A pdb=" N TRP C 75 " --> pdb=" O THR C 90 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.918A pdb=" N THR C 90 " --> pdb=" O TRP C 75 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.376A pdb=" N VAL C 77 " --> pdb=" O SER C 88 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.348A pdb=" N SER C 88 " --> pdb=" O VAL C 77 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.103A pdb=" N TRP C 79 " --> pdb=" O ALA C 86 " (cutoff:3.500A) Processing sheet with id=4, first strand: chain 'D' and resid 19 through 23 removed outlier: 8.184A pdb=" N ARG D 53 " --> pdb=" O LYS D 80 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.022A pdb=" N LYS D 80 " --> pdb=" O ARG D 53 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 5.339A pdb=" N VAL D 55 " --> pdb=" O ALA D 78 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 4.406A pdb=" N ALA D 78 " --> pdb=" O VAL D 55 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.621A pdb=" N THR D 71 " --> pdb=" O GLY D 94 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.925A pdb=" N GLY D 94 " --> pdb=" O THR D 71 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.156A pdb=" N LEU D 73 " --> pdb=" O TRP D 92 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.164A pdb=" N TRP D 92 " --> pdb=" O LEU D 73 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.934A pdb=" N TRP D 75 " --> pdb=" O THR D 90 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 6.918A pdb=" N THR D 90 " --> pdb=" O TRP D 75 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.376A pdb=" N VAL D 77 " --> pdb=" O SER D 88 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.348A pdb=" N SER D 88 " --> pdb=" O VAL D 77 " (cutoff:3.500A) removed outlier: 7.103A pdb=" N TRP D 79 " --> pdb=" O ALA D 86 " (cutoff:3.500A) 168 hydrogen bonds defined for protein. 456 hydrogen bond angles defined for protein. Restraints generated for nucleic acids: 0 hydrogen bonds 0 hydrogen bond angles 0 basepair planarities 0 basepair parallelities 0 stacking parallelities Total time for adding SS restraints: 1.08 Time building geometry restraints manager: 1.88 seconds NOTE: a complete listing of the restraints can be obtained by requesting output of .geo file. Histogram of bond lengths: 1.15 - 1.29: 548 1.29 - 1.42: 880 1.42 - 1.55: 2192 1.55 - 1.68: 316 1.68 - 1.81: 8 Bond restraints: 3944 Sorted by residual: bond pdb=" C GLY C 94 " pdb=" O GLY C 94 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 1.232 1.307 -0.075 1.05e-02 9.07e+03 5.12e+01 bond pdb=" C GLY D 94 " pdb=" O GLY D 94 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 1.232 1.307 -0.075 1.05e-02 9.07e+03 5.12e+01 bond pdb=" C GLY B 94 " pdb=" O GLY B 94 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 1.232 1.307 -0.075 1.05e-02 9.07e+03 5.12e+01 bond pdb=" C GLY A 94 " pdb=" O GLY A 94 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 1.232 1.307 -0.075 1.05e-02 9.07e+03 5.12e+01 bond pdb=" C ILE C 17 " pdb=" O ILE C 17 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 1.237 1.154 0.083 1.19e-02 7.06e+03 4.86e+01 ... (remaining 3939 not shown) Histogram of bond angle deviations from ideal: 93.14 - 102.07: 16 102.07 - 110.99: 1152 110.99 - 119.92: 2452 119.92 - 128.84: 1668 128.84 - 137.77: 112 Bond angle restraints: 5400 Sorted by residual: angle pdb=" CA PHE D 29 " pdb=" CB PHE D 29 " pdb=" CG PHE D 29 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 113.80 124.22 -10.42 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.08e+02 angle pdb=" CA PHE B 29 " pdb=" CB PHE B 29 " pdb=" CG PHE B 29 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 113.80 124.22 -10.42 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.08e+02 angle pdb=" CA PHE A 29 " pdb=" CB PHE A 29 " pdb=" CG PHE A 29 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 113.80 124.22 -10.42 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.08e+02 angle pdb=" CA PHE C 29 " pdb=" CB PHE C 29 " pdb=" CG PHE C 29 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 113.80 124.22 -10.42 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.08e+02 angle pdb=" CA ILE A 17 " pdb=" C ILE A 17 " pdb=" O ILE A 17 " ideal model delta sigma weight residual 120.85 110.38 10.47 1.06e+00 8.90e-01 9.75e+01 ... (remaining 5395 not shown) Histogram of dihedral angle deviations from ideal: 0.00 - 16.54: 2008 16.54 - 33.08: 160 33.08 - 49.62: 20 49.62 - 66.16: 12 66.16 - 82.70: 12 Dihedral angle restraints: 2212 sinusoidal: 788 harmonic: 1424 Sorted by residual: dihedral pdb=" CA ASER B 52 " pdb=" C ASER B 52 " pdb=" N ARG B 53 " pdb=" CA ARG B 53 " ideal model delta harmonic sigma weight residual 180.00 -151.36 -28.64 0 5.00e+00 4.00e-02 3.28e+01 dihedral pdb=" CA ASER D 52 " pdb=" C ASER D 52 " pdb=" N ARG D 53 " pdb=" CA ARG D 53 " ideal model delta harmonic sigma weight residual -180.00 -151.36 -28.64 0 5.00e+00 4.00e-02 3.28e+01 dihedral pdb=" CA ASER A 52 " pdb=" C ASER A 52 " pdb=" N ARG A 53 " pdb=" CA ARG A 53 " ideal model delta harmonic sigma weight residual 180.00 -151.36 -28.64 0 5.00e+00 4.00e-02 3.28e+01 ... (remaining 2209 not shown) Histogram of chiral volume deviations from ideal: 0.000 - 0.080: 412 0.080 - 0.160: 164 0.160 - 0.241: 20 0.241 - 0.321: 0 0.321 - 0.401: 8 Chirality restraints: 604 Sorted by residual: chirality pdb=" CB VAL A 31 " pdb=" CA VAL A 31 " pdb=" CG1 VAL A 31 " pdb=" CG2 VAL A 31 " both_signs ideal model delta sigma weight residual False -2.63 -2.23 -0.40 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 4.02e+00 chirality pdb=" CB VAL C 31 " pdb=" CA VAL C 31 " pdb=" CG1 VAL C 31 " pdb=" CG2 VAL C 31 " both_signs ideal model delta sigma weight residual False -2.63 -2.23 -0.40 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 4.02e+00 chirality pdb=" CB VAL B 31 " pdb=" CA VAL B 31 " pdb=" CG1 VAL B 31 " pdb=" CG2 VAL B 31 " both_signs ideal model delta sigma weight residual False -2.63 -2.23 -0.40 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 4.02e+00 ... (remaining 601 not shown) Planarity restraints: 684 Sorted by residual: delta sigma weight rms_deltas residual plane pdb=" C3 ABTN C5100 " -0.063 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 2.15e-01 6.96e+02 pdb=" C4 ABTN C5100 " 0.172 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" C5 ABTN C5100 " 0.172 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" N1 ABTN C5100 " -0.270 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" N2 ABTN C5100 " -0.272 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" O3 ABTN C5100 " 0.262 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 delta sigma weight rms_deltas residual plane pdb=" C3 ABTN A5100 " -0.063 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 2.15e-01 6.96e+02 pdb=" C4 ABTN A5100 " 0.172 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" C5 ABTN A5100 " 0.172 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" N1 ABTN A5100 " -0.270 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" N2 ABTN A5100 " -0.272 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" O3 ABTN A5100 " 0.262 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 delta sigma weight rms_deltas residual plane pdb=" C3 ABTN B5100 " 0.063 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 2.15e-01 6.96e+02 pdb=" C4 ABTN B5100 " -0.172 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" C5 ABTN B5100 " -0.172 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" N1 ABTN B5100 " 0.270 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" N2 ABTN B5100 " 0.272 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 pdb=" O3 ABTN B5100 " -0.262 2.00e-02 2.50e+03 ... (remaining 681 not shown) Histogram of nonbonded interaction distances: 0.00 - 0.98: 2 0.98 - 1.96: 0 1.96 - 2.94: 1438 2.94 - 3.92: 11594 3.92 - 4.90: 22880 Warning: very small nonbonded interaction distances. Nonbonded interactions: 35914 Sorted by model distance: nonbonded pdb=" O HOH A5223 " pdb=" O HOH C5223 " model vdw 0.001 2.440 nonbonded pdb=" O HOH B5223 " pdb=" O HOH D5223 " model vdw 0.001 2.440 nonbonded pdb=" O AASN C 49 " pdb=" OD1AASN C 49 " model vdw 2.057 3.040 nonbonded pdb=" O AASN D 49 " pdb=" OD1AASN D 49 " model vdw 2.057 3.040 nonbonded pdb=" O AASN A 49 " pdb=" OD1AASN A 49 " model vdw 2.057 3.040 ... (remaining 35909 not shown) NOTE: a complete listing of the restraints can be obtained by requesting output of .geo file. Find NCS groups from input model Found NCS groups: ncs_group { reference = (chain 'A' and (resid 15 through 44 or resid 53 through 134 or resid 5100)) selection = (chain 'B' and (resid 15 through 44 or resid 53 through 134 or resid 5100)) selection = (chain 'C' and (resid 15 through 44 or resid 53 through 134 or resid 5100)) selection = (chain 'D' and (resid 15 through 44 or resid 53 through 134 or resid 5100)) } Set up NCS constraints No NCS constraints will be used in refinement. Set refine NCS operators Adjust number of macro_cycles Number of macro_cycles: 10 Reset NCS operators Extract rigid body selections Check and reset occupancies Occupancies: min=0.50 max=1.00 mean=0.94 Load rotamer database and sin/cos tables Set ADP refinement strategy ADPs will be refined as individual isotropic Make a string to write initial .geo file Internal consistency checks Time: Set random seed: 0.000 Set model cs if undefined: 0.000 Decide on map wrapping: 0.000 Normalize map: mean=0, sd=1: 0.180 Set stop_for_unknowns flag: 0.000 Assert model is a single copy model: 0.000 Assert all atoms have isotropic ADPs: 0.000 Construct map_model_manager: 0.020 Extract box with map and model: 0.190 Check model and map are aligned: 0.040 Set scattering table: 0.030 Process input model: 18.940 Find NCS groups from input model: 0.190 Set up NCS constraints: 0.020 Set refine NCS operators: 0.000 Adjust number of macro_cycles: 0.000 Reset NCS operators: 0.000 Extract rigid body selections: 0.000 Check and reset occupancies: 0.000 Load rotamer database and sin/cos tables:11.250 Set ADP refinement strategy: 0.000 Make a string to write initial .geo file:0.000 Internal consistency checks: 0.000 Total: 30.860 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set refinement monitor ********************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup refinement engine *********************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall statistics ****************** model-to-map fit, CC_mask: 0.8267 moved from start: 0.0000 Geometry Restraints Library: GeoStd + Monomer Library + CDL v1.2 Deviations from Ideal Values - rmsd, rmsZ for bonds and angles. Bond : 0.032 0.090 3944 Z= 2.151 Angle : 3.162 13.316 5400 Z= 2.201 Chirality : 0.090 0.401 604 Planarity : 0.016 0.215 684 Dihedral : 14.879 82.705 1324 Min Nonbonded Distance : 0.001 Molprobity Statistics. All-atom Clashscore : 2.15 Ramachandran Plot: Outliers : 0.85 % Allowed : 2.54 % Favored : 96.61 % Rotamer: Outliers : 2.15 % Allowed : 4.30 % Favored : 93.55 % Cbeta Deviations : 3.60 % Peptide Plane: Cis-proline : 0.00 % Cis-general : 0.00 % Twisted Proline : 0.00 % Twisted General : 0.00 % Rama-Z (Ramachandran plot Z-score): Interpretation: bad |Rama-Z| > 3; suspicious 2 < |Rama-Z| < 3; good |Rama-Z| < 2. Scores for whole/helix/sheet/loop are scaled independently; therefore, the values are not related in a simple manner. whole: -0.84 (0.33), residues: 512 helix: None (None), residues: 0 sheet: 0.30 (0.29), residues: 244 loop : -1.41 (0.34), residues: 268 Max deviation from planes: Type MaxDev MeanDev LineInFile TRP 0.004 0.001 TRP C 92 HIS 0.001 0.000 HIS C 127 PHE 0.002 0.001 PHE D 130 TYR 0.002 0.001 TYR B 60 ARG 0.000 0.000 ARG D 53 *********************** REFINEMENT MACRO_CYCLE 1 OF 10 ************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Rama plot phi/psi targets (oldfield only) ************************************************ 1024 Ramachandran restraints generated. 512 Oldfield, 0 Emsley, 512 emsley8k and 0 Phi/Psi/2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re-set Ramachandran plot restraints *********************************** favored: oldfield allowed: oldfield outlier: oldfield 1024 Ramachandran restraints generated. 512 Oldfield, 0 Emsley, 512 emsley8k and 0 Phi/Psi/2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimize residue side-chains **************************** Evaluate side-chains 68 residues out of total 332 non-(ALA, GLY, PRO) need fitting. rotamer outliers: 4 poor density : 64 time to evaluate : 0.410 Fit side-chains revert: symmetry clash revert: symmetry clash revert: symmetry clash revert: symmetry clash REVERT: A 27 SER cc_start: 0.8217 (m) cc_final: 0.7789 (p) REVERT: A 53 ARG cc_start: 0.7713 (ttp-110) cc_final: 0.7498 (ttp80) REVERT: A 69 SER cc_start: 0.7845 (m) cc_final: 0.7634 (t) REVERT: A 103 ARG cc_start: 0.8116 (ttm-80) cc_final: 0.7435 (mtm-85) REVERT: B 27 SER cc_start: 0.8218 (m) cc_final: 0.7790 (p) REVERT: B 53 ARG cc_start: 0.7714 (ttp-110) cc_final: 0.7499 (ttp80) REVERT: B 69 SER cc_start: 0.7845 (m) cc_final: 0.7635 (t) REVERT: B 103 ARG cc_start: 0.8115 (ttm-80) cc_final: 0.7434 (mtm-85) REVERT: C 27 SER cc_start: 0.8215 (m) cc_final: 0.7788 (p) REVERT: C 53 ARG cc_start: 0.7712 (ttp-110) cc_final: 0.7498 (ttp80) REVERT: C 69 SER cc_start: 0.7844 (m) cc_final: 0.7634 (t) REVERT: C 103 ARG cc_start: 0.8115 (ttm-80) cc_final: 0.7433 (mtm-85) REVERT: D 27 SER cc_start: 0.8217 (m) cc_final: 0.7788 (p) REVERT: D 53 ARG cc_start: 0.7715 (ttp-110) cc_final: 0.7500 (ttp80) REVERT: D 69 SER cc_start: 0.7844 (m) cc_final: 0.7634 (t) REVERT: D 103 ARG cc_start: 0.8115 (ttm-80) cc_final: 0.7435 (mtm-85) outliers start: 4 outliers final: 4 residues processed: 64 average time/residue: 1.0934 time to fit residues: 72.6038 Evaluate side-chains 52 residues out of total 332 non-(ALA, GLY, PRO) need fitting. rotamer outliers: 4 poor density : 48 time to evaluate : 0.369 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set rotamer restraints ********************** Chi-restraints excluded: chain A residue 28 THR Chi-restraints excluded: chain B residue 28 THR Chi-restraints excluded: chain C residue 28 THR Chi-restraints excluded: chain D residue 28 THR Rotamers are restrained with sigma=5.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XYZ refinement ************** Traceback (most recent call last): File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/build/../modules/phenix/phenix/command_line/", line 8, in run_program(real_space_refine.Program) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/iotbx/", line 946, in run_program File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/phenix/phenix/programs/", line 200, in run log = self.logger) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/phenix/phenix/refinement/rsr/", line 58, in __init__ log = log) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/phenix/phenix/refinement/", line 306, in __init__ self.caller(self.refine_xyz) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/phenix/phenix/refinement/", line 321, in caller func() File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/phenix/phenix/refinement/", line 702, in refine_xyz self.minimization_no_ncs() File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/phenix/phenix/refinement/", line 766, in minimization_no_ncs log = self.log) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/real_space/", line 51, in __init__ gradients_method = gradients_method) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/real_space/", line 87, in __init__ rms_angles_limit = rms_angles_limit) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/real_space/", line 368, in refine rms_angles_limit = rms_angles_limit) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/real_space/", line 235, in __init__ weight = weight) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/refinement/real_space/", line 112, in refine states_collector = self.states_accumulator) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/maptbx/", line 174, in __init__ exception_handling_params=lbfgs_exception_handling_params) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/lbfgs/", line 278, in run line_search) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/lbfgs/", line 131, in run_c_plus_plus f, g = target_evaluator.compute_functional_and_gradients() File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/maptbx/", line 245, in compute_functional_and_gradients compute_gradients=True) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/geometry_restraints/", line 1477, in energies_sites flags=flags, sites_cart=sites_cart, site_labels=site_labels) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/geometry_restraints/", line 1379, in pair_proxies check_bonded_distance_cutoff(sites_frac=sites_frac) File "/net/cci-filer2/raid1/xp/phenix/phenix-dev-5388/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/geometry_restraints/", line 1260, in check_bonded_distance_cutoff raise RuntimeError(msg) RuntimeError: Bond distance > max_reasonable_bond_distance: 56.1522 > 50: distance: 42 - 46: 7.893 distance: 46 - 47: 16.641 distance: 47 - 48: 29.626 distance: 48 - 49: 28.904 distance: 48 - 50: 23.584 distance: 50 - 51: 8.104 distance: 50 - 127: 18.132 distance: 51 - 52: 8.316 distance: 51 - 54: 9.100 distance: 52 - 53: 11.602 distance: 53 - 124: 13.020 distance: 54 - 55: 5.071 distance: 55 - 56: 3.482 distance: 56 - 57: 3.280 distance: 56 - 58: 3.170 distance: 59 - 60: 12.960 distance: 60 - 61: 14.668 distance: 60 - 63: 15.481 distance: 61 - 62: 27.998 distance: 61 - 71: 12.537 distance: 63 - 64: 7.384 distance: 64 - 65: 11.776 distance: 64 - 66: 23.923 distance: 65 - 67: 13.153 distance: 66 - 68: 42.097 distance: 67 - 69: 5.650 distance: 68 - 69: 17.841 distance: 69 - 70: 9.754 distance: 71 - 72: 11.356 distance: 71 - 108: 6.945 distance: 72 - 73: 15.636 distance: 72 - 75: 8.231 distance: 73 - 74: 8.594 distance: 73 - 78: 5.738 distance: 74 - 105: 20.403 distance: 75 - 76: 5.244 distance: 75 - 77: 7.023 distance: 78 - 79: 6.439 distance: 79 - 80: 4.295 distance: 80 - 81: 5.127 distance: 80 - 82: 9.693 distance: 82 - 83: 7.316 distance: 83 - 84: 13.479 distance: 84 - 85: 22.941 distance: 84 - 86: 22.383 distance: 86 - 87: 23.137 distance: 87 - 88: 6.469 distance: 87 - 90: 22.553 distance: 88 - 89: 13.389 distance: 88 - 91: 13.100 distance: 91 - 92: 10.716 distance: 92 - 93: 7.122 distance: 92 - 95: 6.079 distance: 93 - 94: 9.377 distance: 93 - 100: 20.561 distance: 95 - 96: 6.132 distance: 96 - 97: 7.210 distance: 97 - 98: 3.259 distance: 97 - 99: 5.178 distance: 100 - 101: 14.342 distance: 101 - 102: 9.280 distance: 101 - 104: 9.307 distance: 102 - 103: 16.831 distance: 102 - 105: 24.315 distance: 105 - 106: 25.909 distance: 106 - 107: 35.439 distance: 106 - 109: 43.483 distance: 107 - 108: 16.719 distance: 107 - 116: 14.841 distance: 109 - 110: 50.469 distance: 110 - 111: 45.857 distance: 111 - 112: 42.655 distance: 112 - 113: 45.402 distance: 113 - 114: 36.455 distance: 113 - 115: 34.179