INPUT Reading model from /net/marbles/raid1/dorothee/rerefine/cryoem/data_no_H/8foa_29343/12_2023/8foa_29343.pdb Reading option "hydrogens=False" from command line Writing effective parameters to 8foa_29343.eff Ligand restraint generation using eLBOW, phenix.elbow Build ligand and use monomer library to name atoms : POV Using monomer library entry POV as template There is a tetra-coordinated nitrogen in your input. You may need to add charge to the nitrogen thus: ATOM 19767 NPOV A 805 81.133 95.464 68.527 1.00 46.56 N+1 Build ligand and use monomer library to name atoms : Y01 Sorry: Atoms in the input are supposed to be bound CAZ(Y01) - CAV(Y01) = 1.91 Fix the input file and retry EXITING